SAY Global is helping solve speech impediment and mental health issues in society by breaking stigma, providing access to treatment and creating support communities.
Since our foundation we have done multiple stigma breaking and awareness campaigns and programs.
In Pakistan, we are pioneers of starting Group Speech Therapy. We also initiated Mental Health support groups in Pakistan.
In the following information about different programs is shared
Information about our Group Speech Therapy (GST)
How we are changing lives testimonial
Information about SAY Cure Services
Our Awareness Campaign for Mental Health
Our Awareness Campaign for Speech Impediment
Information about our My Support Group program
Reviews on our Mental Health Support Group sessions
An episode of our Stammerers of Pakistan series where we highlight individuals who stammer
Story of a Girl who Stammers
Testimonial on our Individuals Who Stutter support groups
Our shinning star fighting with her Impediment
This how we are changing lives
This how we are changing lives
This how we are changing lives
Our courageous individuals who stammer start their own businesses